Integration with pedestrian and bicycle facilities, taxi services, intercity bus, rail transit and other transportation services.High quality bus stations with Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in nearby areas.

Fasttrack schedule 9 construction free#
Fasttrack schedule 9 construction full#
In 2011, a Full Funding Grant Agreement was signed between the FTA and CTDOT that signaled the final commitment of funding necessary to make CTfastrak a reality. In 2009, CTDOT completed the service and operations plans that outline major components of the CTfastrak program, including proposed routes, schedules, and operations details.

These planning steps were completed in accord with Federal regulations regarding new transit projects funded through the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) New Starts program. As the project progressed, revisions were made to the FDEIS to reflect changes in the overall scope and design of the CTfastrak system. A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was completed in December 2001. It analyzed alternatives and made recommendations to mitigate anticipated negative environmental impacts. In 2001, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was completed. Over the next decade, significant resources were dedicated to developing the CTfastrak system. The system is centered around an exclusive 9.4-mile long guideway dedicated to the BRT system that links Central Connecticut communities including Bristol, Cheshire, Hartford, New Britain, Manchester, Newington, Southington, Waterbury and West Hartford. After detailed analysis and a comprehensive public outreach program, the MIS recommended creation of a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system as an effective tool to combat increasing congestion.

In 1997, the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG), the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) and the Central Connecticut Regional Planning Agency (CCRPA) undertook the Hartford West Major Investment Study (MIS), a multimodal study that examined a variety of highway and transit improvements to provide improved mobility and congestion relief as traffic increased along the I-84 corridor. It is a system of bus routes that utilize a bus-only roadway for all or a portion of the trip. CTfastrak is Connecticut’s first Bus Rapid Transit system.